A-Grade Sandstone Blocks

 Many people we come across who want a sandstone retaining wall often get confused when asked if they prefer A, B or even C grade blocks. What’s the difference, you say?

A grade sandstone blocks are one of our most superior blocks. Coming in second to our premium A grade White blocks. 
*Fun fact: did you know that white sandstone is considered as a stronger stone? Making them less likely to crack or chip. *

A grade is favoured as they are consistent in size as opposed to their inferior grades which makes A grade walls more aesthetically pleasing. 

A grade blocks are concrete Besser blocks better looking competition at a reduced price*.

Tolerances for A grade sandstone blocks are minimal. 
Depending how the quarry cuts the stone will give you a varying allowance. But here are our most commonly seen tolerances:
From front to back 10mm + or - 
Height 70mm +
Approx. Length 980-1200 / 1980-2200
(coming in 1m or 2m lengths unless custom ordered)

As sandstone is a natural product of the earth, some chips, cracks and colour inconsistencies should be expected. This forms part of the beautiful natural flaws of sandstone.

Sandstone is considered a premium material as its longevity expands over a lifetime, its low maintenance, they look great and have an outstanding return on investment if you’re needing to increase the equity within your property.

Engineers LOVE A grade blocks. because of the guarantee of tolerances, structural integrity and visual aesthetics. Sandstone is durable, functional and easy to install, so it’s a win-win for the tradesperson, clients and engineer. 

Here at Supreme Sandstone, we favour difficult engineered projects, the ones who scare off other companies and don’t even return a quote. Where there is a will, there is a way. Our goal is to build your visions to life. Follow us on Facebook / Instagram for more tips and info on Sandstone retaining.

* prices depend on each individual company. It is common knowledge that a core filled Besser block retaining wall is more expensive than sandstone.
** Our knowledge is based on the quarries we deal with in NSW. Some quarries may operate differently. So, we recommend asking your chosen quarry on their specific tolerances of A grade blocks.


What Retaining Wall Is Most Cost Effective? Rising Building Materials in 2022.


B-Grade Sandstone Blocks